Thanks for taking the time to check out Studio nenne!
A little about Studio Nenne:
Studio Nenne was founded in 2018 by Hylke de Jong, a 24 year old designer who resides in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Born in a small village in Friesland, the Netherlands. Studio Nenne got it's name as an ode to Hylke's uncle who's name is Nanne. When Nanne was a just 8 years old he survived a horrible accident which left him in a coma for 5 months. When he came to he had to learn everything all over again. He had to learn how to walk, talk, eat and speak. Uncle Nanne is the most creative person in the family and even had one of his art pieces displayed in a museum. To honour his uncle he named his studio after his uncle's signature. Studio Nenne.
What am i driven by?
To create and inspire is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm curious as to the latest trends and work diligently to set these new discoveries to my own hand. I design from within and follow my instinct. I am a soulful person with a genuine interest in how people experience a space. I get satisfaction out of creating a fitting design. A custom design in which both my signature and the ideas of my clients melt together and form the perfect combination. I work conceptually and my personal touch is always present.

What do I do? 
My designs, may it be interior, furniture or graphic designs are straightforward, distinctive and overloaded with personality. This is reflected in the use of eye-catching prints and the mix of old and new. I'm not afraid to use different materials, patterns and colours at once. A STATEMENT IS MADE and my  "personal touch" makes each interior unique.
Do you like what you see?  you can always contact me via e-mail or call me or send me a message via social media!

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